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Monday 16 September 2013

Beauty Blender Review!

So there are so many different types of beauty blenders, flat ones, these egg shaped ones or ones that have a ridge in them. Whatever people tell you they all do the same thing! No matter what shape or colour you get, the only difference is how easy they are to hold. The one above which is one of the ones i own is probably the best in my opinion, with the flat ones they do not have a pointy enough end therefore you cannot get deep into creases and although the ones with a  ridge in are very good they have a pointy end and a flat bottom end so i find it presses the foundation into the skin rather than buffs it in. This is definitely my favorite beauty blender, and i picked it up for just £3.00, they are so affordable and don't leave you with any brush strokes or finger marks! They are Wonderful!

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